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Renewable energy group, Octopus Energy has built a wind turbine that will help contribute more sustainable power for food stands at this year’s Glastonbury Festival.

The wind turbine, which is 20 metres tall with eight metre-long blades, was ordered at the end of April and erected in a day in William’s Green field, near the Pyramid stage.

Octopus has also installed solar panels to complement the wind turbine, along with a battery to store the green energy produced.

The wind turbine and solar panels will supply clean energy to a microgrid which will power food vendors in the field so they can serve snacks made with low-carbon energy. It is expected to produce up to 300kWh of energy per day – enough to power 300 fridges.

Octopus Energy is the ongoing energy provider to Worthy Farm, providing 100% renewable electricity to the farm. The company is also working with the festival’s long-term, temporary power team on site, to explore providing more sustainable energy to the Festival in future years.

Octopus Energy Group CEO and founder Greg Jackson said, “When I met Emily (Eavis) I was immediately struck by so many shared values. What was planned to be a short meeting went on for hours as we discussed what makes for a better world. I am excited to be able to not only generate green energy at the Festival, but to work together for the long term too.”