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Mike Kill, CEO of the NTIA (Night Time Industry Association), has drawn up an action list of Government demands as the coronavirus crisis worsens:

Without an extended ‘Rescue Package’ this will now mean catastrophic losses for the wide majority of all bars, clubs, restaurants and events up and down the country.

With over three million employees that’s an enormous abandonment of responsibility. This is a betrayal of one of Britain’s largest sectors and will have enormous ramifications for the economy and society. We demand the government changes this immediately.”

There are many key areas that require immediate attention, now.

Our owners and operators are having to make decisions about how and who to keep on the payroll, what rotas to run, whether to close or not and facing enormous hemorrhaging costs.

Six-month interest free loans can help prevent people from trying to figure out how to make 2000 fast all the time, if insurance provision is there – we still need to be made clear about the interest rates after six months. Also, taking on further debt for so many businesses will not be possible in a sector which has been hit so hard.

We must ensure we do not end up extinguishing one of the UK’s most vital and important economic and cultural contributors. Many of the businesses are above 51,000 ratable value and cannot receive grants.

This is what it is going to take:

– £330 Billion fund needs to be made available as financial support – NOT AS DEBT/LOAN
– Rent Holiday from Landlords for 6 months with agreement to not foreclose on sites within this crisis period
– Ensure HMRC continues ‘Time to Pay’ for Vat and PAYE/NIC payments until the end of 2020
– Suspend Court proceedings for those holding back rent and mortgage payments for 6-month period within this crisis period.
– Fund for Employees, Freelancers and Self Employed within the Sector that covers their Weekly Living Requirements immediately.
– 0% Interest rate on All Loans throughout the period with repayments starting at the end of 2020.
– £25,000 Grant to be available for all business across the Hospitality & Events Sector without rateable value limitations
Plus, your commitments so far with a clear communication of what they actually mean without any political context or ambiguity!!

Simply having to close down businesses is not acceptable. We understand this is a national (and global) issue and that we all have to work together. Indeed, our sector is at the forefront of always promoting how we are #weareallinthistogether

We must state in the strongest of terms that presenting us all with false hopes does NOT help with National Morale and certainly does not help with contingency and emergency planning.