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The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA) has called on the Government to end the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No.3) Regulations on 19 July in line with the lifting of other Covid mitigating measures.

The regulations, which enable local authorities in England to close outdoor public spaces and to cancel events, are currently in force and not due to end until 28 September.

While welcoming the Government’s decision to enable the return of full-capacity events on 19 July, NOEA said, “What is important now for the events industry is that, following this announcement, clear and unambiguous guidance is passed down to local authorities to allow them to work with event organisers on licensing events.

“The current ambiguity is leading many of these authorities to choose less risky options, which usually means the cancellation or postponement of events. As usual, with clarity comes the reduction of risk, and the injection of confidence into local authorities and event organisers to run events.”

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations came into force on 18 July 2020, and were delivered by the then secretary of state for health and social care Matt Hancock, in response to the pandemic.

It means that “upper tier” local authorities have the power to restrict access to, or close, individual premises, prohibit or restrict certain events (or types of event) and restrict access to, or close, public outdoor places.

“This regulation, specifically, puts events in jeopardy, and adds more risk to putting on events form both a private and public level,” said NOEA.

Further details are available here.