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The Music Producers Guild’s Mastering Group has made a breakthrough for recording artists and other copyright owners, working with the European Broadcasting Union to create an industry standard for embedding International Standard Recording Codes (ISRCs) within digital music files.

The system will make accurate identification and content tracking much easier, and could help royalty agencies develop more precise methods for payment, safeguarding artists/copyright owners’ incomes when their recordings are played on air.

“It is simple to implement and the Music Producers Guild (MPG) is encouraging workstation manufacturers and record companies to use BWF in preference to WAV as the standard specification for file exchange,” mastering group board member, Barry Grint, said. “This will allow ISRC to flow through the whole production chain. iTunes and other aggregators will be able to pull the [codes] through during encoding and broadcast playout systems can easily be adapted to recognise the ISRC, making airplay reporting far more accurate.”




The Music Producers Guild’s Mastering Group has made a breakthrough for recording artists and other copyright owners, working with the European Broadcasting Union to create an industry standard for embedding International Standard Recording Codes (ISRCs) within digital music files.

The system will make accurate identification and content tracking much easier, and could help royalty agencies develop more precise methods for payment, safeguarding artists/copyright owners’ incomes when their recordings are played on air.

“It is simple to implement and the Music Producers Guild (MPG) is encouraging workstation manufacturers and record companies to use BWF in preference to WAV as the standard specification for file exchange,” mastering group board member, Barry Grint, said. “This will allow ISRC to flow through the whole production chain. iTunes and other aggregators will be able to pull the [codes] through during encoding and broadcast playout systems can easily be adapted to recognise the ISRC, making airplay reporting far more accurate.”