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The Music Managers Forum (MMF) is to host a full-day Agents & Managers conference on 8 November at London venue Rich Mix.

Developed in partnership with independent booking agency Runway, the event will explore how artist representatives are navigating the current live market.

Confirmed expert speakers include representatives from ATC Live, EarthPercent, FAC, Global Motion, LIVE Green, Motive Unknown, Music Glue, Kilimanjaro Live, One House, Shoobs, Simpatico, TEG, Terrible Merch, Twickets, Wasserman

Through a series of panel discussions and surgeries, the event will explore how booking agents and managers are navigating the current music market. The agenda will examine how to locate new revenue opportunities for clients, capitalising on emerging technologies and data, and making the process of live touring more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The MMF will also present initial plans for a new project to explore the economics of live music.

The day will also include surgeries from MMF Associate members, with expert advice on areas such as insurance, legal, accounting, brand partnerships, mental health, and anti-touting strategies.

MMF chief executive Annabella Coldrick said, “Every day, managers and agents operate in close collaboration, working hand in glove to build the live career of their clients. In such a fast-paced sector, it’s still a rarity that we get to sit down as a group and communicate – whether that’s to discuss new innovations and opportunities, talk through our most pressing concerns, or simply to exchange information about our roles and responsibilities. I hope this event becomes the first of many, and look forward to a productive day of discussions.”