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The founder and creative director of Timebased Events says 2019 will bring creative opportunities

Consumers are drawn to experiences and as technology develops, marketers should leverage such technologies to create a truly personalised experience. With innovative technologies becoming readily on hand, creatives are now more able than ever to offer immersive experiences using tech such as augmented reality (AR). Such advancements can submerge an audience into a campaign, AR for example, can put an individual in a completely new environment, creating a lasting memory of the campaign and the brand behind it.

Furthermore, drones, artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionising the way information from events is gathered and analysed including customer satisfaction.

As social media continues to infiltrate everyday life, user generated content (UGC) is becoming an increasingly favourable way for brands to engage audiences.

UGC enables an audience to use their own creativity to become part of their favourite campaigns through photos, videos, or memes and as a result, organically spread the word with their peers. Peer reviews are continuously growing in value and replacing the traditional form of advertising, with 48% of consumers agreeing UGC is the best way to discover new products.

Video content is now the popular way for consuming creative content across social media and 2019 will see this develop further to live broadcasts. Events broadcast live on social media, such as Instagram Stories, will be key in generating the extra connection with consumers.

Interactive and imaginative video marketing that encourages user engagement will also quickly outpace video for the sake of moving pictures. However, as consumers’ attention spans get shorter, the real differentiator will be how creatives use originality in their live video content.

Technology has opened countless new avenues for creative professionals, yet humans still crave human interaction. Many creatives will agree on this and suggest that as much as technology aids them, it is the execution that puts the real results behind that faith.

Creative ideas which offer both technology and a genuine connection, are the ones which will boast the greatest ability to form a relationship with an audience. This could be achieved through a number of ways, including but not limited to; interviews, talk throughs and behind the scene tours of campaigns. As a result, 2019 will be a year where many will attempt this but the ones who succeed will be those who combine the two and make it look effortless.

The coming year will be one shaped by experiences. Whether they come from AR, imaginative live-video or capitalising on fans generating their own content. However, in order for creative professionals and brands to thrive, they need to be able to incorporate a range of these trends effortlessly. 

Contemporary audiences are swamped with technology, but the most effective uses will successfully bridge the gap between the brand and the consumer to establish a human connection and encourage an authentic, long-lasting relationship.