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Leading security expert Chris Phillips has warned that every location where people gather needs to plan for possible terrorist attacks.
Phillips says that the attack on the Lindt café in Sydney, Australia, highlights the need for all crowded places to have a contingency plan for implementation in the event of a terrorist attack.
Speaking on behalf of Counter Terror Expo, the annual exhibition and conference, Phillips told Access‘ sister title CN: “Anyone organising an event of whatever size must consider the security of the event. We go through periods when terrorism is out of the news and it’s easy to think that it’s never going to happen to you. And that is probably correct, but if you were attacked and had ignored the possibility in your planning then the finger of blame may head in your direction. There are simple steps you can take to reduce your vulnerability and invariably they are all good security practices. Securing the site, searching and crisis management plans are the basics to a secure event. Don’t be complacent.”

Phillips’ initial recommendations are fairly broad but are applicable to event organisers and include understanding that a terrorist attack is very different situation to a fire and there are different options to consider, including lockdown.

Also, considering how you communicate in an emergency, such as alarms, group texting and telling emergency services what they need to know, e.g. the number of suspects, the types of weapons they are using, their location or direction of travel.

Phillips adds it is important to practice these plans just as you would a fire drill. 
Counter Terror Expo and conference takes place at Olympia London, 21-22 April 2015.

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Leading security expert Chris Phillips has warned that every location where people gather needs to plan for possible terrorist attacks.
Phillips says that the attack on the Lindt café in Sydney, Australia, highlights the need for all crowded places to have a contingency plan for implementation in the event of a terrorist attack.
Speaking on behalf of Counter Terror Expo, the annual exhibition and conference, Phillips told Access‘ sister title CN: “Anyone organising an event of whatever size must consider the security of the event. We go through periods when terrorism is out of the news and it’s easy to think that it’s never going to happen to you. And that is probably correct, but if you were attacked and had ignored the possibility in your planning then the finger of blame may head in your direction. There are simple steps you can take to reduce your vulnerability and invariably they are all good security practices. Securing the site, searching and crisis management plans are the basics to a secure event. Don’t be complacent.”

Phillips’ initial recommendations are fairly broad but are applicable to event organisers and include understanding that a terrorist attack is very different situation to a fire and there are different options to consider, including lockdown.

Also, considering how you communicate in an emergency, such as alarms, group texting and telling emergency services what they need to know, e.g. the number of suspects, the types of weapons they are using, their location or direction of travel.

Phillips adds it is important to practice these plans just as you would a fire drill. 
Counter Terror Expo and conference takes place at Olympia London, 21-22 April 2015.

Got a story for Access All Areas? Email Tom Hall
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