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New figures from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) show London has continued its journey up the world rankings.

Alongside the Olympics and Paralympic Games, the city hosted a record number of international business events last year and has recently secured some prestigious medical congresses and annual general meetings.

Events of this scale typically bring up to £80m into the host city and support the business event industry, which is worth £40bn to the UK economy.

The ICCA report showed London ahead of New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, Chicago and Sydney and European rivals such as Rome, Athens, Munich, Brussels and Edinburgh. The ICCA rankings are collated and published annually.

“We have the expertise, the transport system, venues and accommodation to ensure these events will receive a world class experience,” Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said.

“The city’s extraordinary success in hosting last year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games will only build on this success.”

New figures from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) show London has continued its journey up the world rankings.

Alongside the Olympics and Paralympic Games, the city hosted a record number of international business events last year and has recently secured some prestigious medical congresses and annual general meetings.

Events of this scale typically bring up to £80m into the host city and support the business event industry, which is worth £40bn to the UK economy.

The ICCA report showed London ahead of New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, Chicago and Sydney and European rivals such as Rome, Athens, Munich, Brussels and Edinburgh. The ICCA rankings are collated and published annually.

“We have the expertise, the transport system, venues and accommodation to ensure these events will receive a world class experience,” Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said.

“The city’s extraordinary success in hosting last year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games will only build on this success.”