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Organiser of the London Dessert Festival and co-founder of online platform FFair, Lyndon D Baptiste, has announced the launch of a new resource for food traders.

SaveOurTreats allows fans of small businesses affected by the Covid-19 lockdown to purchase vouchers for future transactions, providing upfront income for those vendors.

Using a version of FFair’s online platform, customers can buy a voucher for an amount of their choosing which can be redeemed and spent once shops and hospitality businesses are able to reopen.

Baptiste said: “The food and hospitality sector is being hugely impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, with many businesses barely surviving from one month to the next. SaveOurTreats will give fans of up-and-coming food businesses the opportunity to support some of their favourite suppliers and retailers as they try to return to some semblance of business as usual.”

London Dessert Festival exhibitor The Chocolate Cocktail Club said: “Absolutely loving the new concept and website, it’s a wonderful idea to support the businesses and also generate extra revenue. We can’t thank you enough for including us within the site and thinking of us.”

Businesses interested in taking part can sign up here.