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London could launch a bid to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games, according to a representative from the Mayor’s office. 

The Games goes to Glasgow next year, the Australian Gold Coast will stage the 2018 edition, and 2022 is a real option for British capital.

Key figures including Sports Minister Hugh Robertson, UK Sport chair Baroness Sue Campbell and Sport England chief executive Jenny Price have already backed a potential bid and Boris Johnson’s Olympic legacy adviser, Neale Coleman, seems simlarly motivated.

“We haven’t had a Commonwealth Games in London for a very, very long time,” Coleman told ITV News. “It is a fantastic event. It brings people together in a unique way and we do have the facilities there that would make a bid possible,” 

“it is something that is in our minds at the moment. We would need broad support obviously. We would need the Government to think it is a good idea.”

London last hosted the event in 1934, when it was still called the British Empire Games.

London could launch a bid to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games, according to a representative from the Mayor’s office. 

The Games goes to Glasgow next year, the Australian Gold Coast will stage the 2018 edition, and 2022 is a real option for British capital.

Key figures including Sports Minister Hugh Robertson, UK Sport chair Baroness Sue Campbell and Sport England chief executive Jenny Price have already backed a potential bid and Boris Johnson’s Olympic legacy adviser, Neale Coleman, seems simlarly motivated.

“We haven’t had a Commonwealth Games in London for a very, very long time,” Coleman told ITV News. “It is a fantastic event. It brings people together in a unique way and we do have the facilities there that would make a bid possible,” 

“it is something that is in our minds at the moment. We would need broad support obviously. We would need the Government to think it is a good idea.”

London last hosted the event in 1934, when it was still called the British Empire Games.