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Live music industry umbrella group LIVE (Live music Industry Venues & Entertainment) and its sub-group LIVE Green, has launched a series of sector-specific free webinars designed to help different areas of the industry be more sustainable.

LIVE, which has been involved in initiatives including the #LetTheMusicPlay and #KeepVATat5 campaigns, said it has set up the webinars to provide information and resources for companies and individuals working in areas such as touring, festivals, venues, and artist management.

The sessions follow the Vision and Voluntary Declaration that was presented by LIVE Green recently.

Members of LIVE’s 13 association partners are invited to attend the webinars, which are being presented by hosts including Julie’s Bicycle’s Chiara Badiali, A Greener Festival’s Claire O’Neill and Tait’s Carol Scott.

The dates and links to join the webinars are below:

Weds 16 June, 11am: Offices
Tues 22 June, 11am: Touring
Thurs 24 June, 11am: Festivals
Tues 29 June, 11am: Venues
Weds 30 June, 11:30am: Artists & Management