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Vanessa Allen, the major events programme manager at Bradford City Council has taken over the role of chair of the Local Authority Events Organisers’ Group (LAEOG) with Ian Taylor the events manager at Brighton and Hove City Council being appointed as vice chair.

The appointments were confirmed at the LAEOG AGM and training day hosted by Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure at Valentine’s Mansion on Wednesday 7 March 2018.

Allen takes over the position from Lee House, events manager at Coventry City Council who has stepped down after two years at the helm.

She said “I would like to thank Lee for everything that she has done for LAEOG over many years but in particular for her contribution as Chair since she took over in 2016. It is always a pleasure to work with Lee and I am delighted that she is continuing her role on the committee, so we will still benefit from her vast experience in the industry

“I am a huge supporter of LAEOG and the work that it does so am honoured to take on the role of Chair. Events play a significant part in the lives of people and make a major contribution to the country’s economy. Local authorities have a vested interest in their success and safety from many different perspectives so LAEOG’s role in providing a network of information and support and key training on current and significant issues is invaluable to anybody employed by a local authority and has an events remit”.

Taylor added: “The strength of LAEOG is in its members and the support and information sharing that takes place. We currently represent approximately 70 different authorities and are very keen to see more join to widen the knowledge pool and enhance the level of experience and expertise on offer”

Membership of LAEOG is £100 per year which entitles two named people.

They hold a training day in March and two-day training conference in October, both of which move around the country.

This year the conference will be taking place in Liverpool on 9-10 October.
