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Industry figures from organisations including drp Group, Solo Agency and the BVEP have reacted, as the Conservatives pull off a landslide General Election win.

The victory, widely considered a rejection of Labour’s Brexit strategy, paves the way for the UK leaving the European Union.

Drp group’s managing director Dale Parmenter said: “At last we get some certainty and hopefully some stability and leadership. Now we just have to see it unfold.”
Solo Agency’s managing director John Giddings, meanwhile, told Access that he opposed Brexit, but thought a Labour victory would’ve “brought us back to the 1970s”. “I didn’t see a situation in which there would realistically be another vote on Brexit happening. Brexit is a pain in the ass which will cost the punter billions.”

Elsewhere, the BVEP chairman Michael Hirst OBE, said: “The Events Industry has worked successfully with the Conservative Government to raise the profile of the Industry and have its contribution to the economy properly recognised. I am confident that this good working relationship will continue to grow.

“The BVEP, providing a unified Industry voice, will step up its efforts to promote the benefits of a strong Events economy to the economic and social well-bring of the U.K.

“Through the Events Industry Board we will continue to offer guidance to Ministers as to how best the industry can support Government objectives of making Britain the leading European Nation for Business Events.
We are a £70bn industry employing over 700,000 people delivering growth, jobs and opportunities.

“In a post-Brexit Britain the events Industry has a unique role in facilitating trade, growing exports, disseminating scientific research, attracting inward investment, Improving productivity, creating community cohesion and driving the visitor economy.

“In addition, events engender creative enterprise and stimulate innovation, cause positive social impact and heighten Britain’s soft power across the world.

As the new Government fashions its policies and gets ready for business, the events Industry stands ready to deliver.”

UKinbound CEO Joss Croft meanwhile, urged the new Government to extend the Brexit transition period. In a statement released today, 13 December, Croft said: “We welcome the new Government and look forward to continuing our dialogue and working with them on the key priorities for the inbound tourism industry during the Brexit transition period and beyond.”

Croft stated that the industry contributed £23bn to the UK economy last year.

However, to continue the industry’s growth, Croft argued it needs to have “access to employees from all over the world, frictionless borders for our visitors post Brexit and continued strong promotion of the UK as a welcoming destination.”

Croft also proposed that the Government “extends the Brexit transition period beyond December 2020 if needed so that businesses have enough time to prepare.”