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Kilimanjaro Live event manager Simon Skelt speaks on the tragedy in Paris.

I am writing this article on 13 November 2019. On this day in 2015 over a thousand people went to watch a gig, others went to work at a venue and a group of people went to perform. 

This is a scenario we are all used to, a scenario many of us have been fortunate to be a part of, a scenario many of us take for granted. 

What happened at this particular show in Paris needs no words – we are all well aware of the distressing and disturbing scenes that ensued.    

Upsettingly there have been similar atrocities targeting events since, including here in the UK in Manchester, across the pond in Vegas and Florida, in Turkey, in Germany, in Mexico… With that in mind I do not wish to write a piece on my thoughts, views or ideas on the entertainment industry. Instead I am dedicating this column to all of the innocent gig goers, innocent clubbers, innocent staff, innocent artists and all of their innocent families who have been affected by any sort of twisted political or religious agenda and its devastating effects whilst attending a concert, festival or club that is intended for entertainment, enjoyment and fun. Nothing else.