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Live events agency Identity has appointed Olivier Vallee as managing director, as the business continues its international growth strategy.

The appointment comes after the company completed the delivery of its second Conference of Parties (COP) event in Dubai. Identity also recently promoted Paul Fitzpatrick to the role of chief operating officer, following its delivery of the London New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations.

Vallee has previously held roles at George P Johnson and 2Heads, followed by his most recent position at Nteractive.

Vallee has also been involved in the event programmes for brands including Rolls-Royce, Cisco, Airbus, BBC, IBM, Microsoft, Vodafone, Salesforce, GSMA, Gartner, working on events from conferences and product launches, to exhibitions, incentives and sales meetings.

Identity CEO Michael Gietzen said, “Olivier’s appointment follows another remarkable year for our business and the beginning of an exciting 2024. It also allows us to continue to be brave, innovative, and ambitious with our plans for the future.

“He’s a visionary leader, he’s an event professional through and through and he does it by creating cultures and teams through a positive, human-first approach. He’s a great addition to the team.”

Vallee said, “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, joining one of the fastest growing brands in the events industry, being part of an incredible group of people, and handling some of the most recognised events on the planet. We have the talent and experience, and clients who really believe in what we do.

“I’ve been involved in many international businesses and this move, from a UK company to an international group, is extremely exciting. There is some amazing talent in the agency, I’m really keen to learn from it, collaborate with it and together create amazing human experiences internally and externally.”