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Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and chairman of the London Legacy Development Corporation, has appointed Dennis Hone, pictured, as chief executive officer (CEO).

Hone has been interim CEO of the Legacy Corporation since August 2012 and is also the CEO of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).  He will continue in the latter position until March 2013 and share his time between the two organisations.

“I am delighted to confirm Dennis Hone’s appointment to this critical role shaping London’s Olympic legacy,” Johnson said. “It is my top priority to transmute the success of this summer into solid economic returns to benefit London for decades to come. Dennis brings a wealth of skills and experience vital to helping bring our ambitious plans to successful fruition.”

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and chairman of the London Legacy Development Corporation, has appointed Dennis Hone, pictured, as chief executive officer (CEO).

Hone has been interim CEO of the Legacy Corporation since August 2012 and is also the CEO of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).  He will continue in the latter position until March 2013 and share his time between the two organisations.

“I am delighted to confirm Dennis Hone’s appointment to this critical role shaping London’s Olympic legacy,” Johnson said. “It is my top priority to transmute the success of this summer into solid economic returns to benefit London for decades to come. Dennis brings a wealth of skills and experience vital to helping bring our ambitious plans to successful fruition.”