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Hire Space has released a blog which outlines four steps to gain government support for the events industry.

It firstly encourages eventprofs to write to local MP’s. It advises to include what the effect has been on your business and employees, what your clients need and how damaging it will be to your business without extra furlough support. Hire Space have also created a resource where you can Email Your MP. This aims to encourage the entire industry to work together to increase visibility and promote the importance of live meetings and events.

Secondly, Hire Space urges event professionals to write to the local press and broadcasters. This aims to demonstrate what the industry does, what we contribute to and why we are important for the UK economy. Hire Space also encourages to follow local journalists on Twitter and start involving them in a public discussion about your story.

Next, sign the petition to gain clearer guidelines for the industry. Hire Space, in partnership with Mash Media, have created a petition to the government urging them to allow organised meetings and events to take place with safety guidance in line with those given to pubs, restaurants and other hospitality businesses. You can sign the petition here.

Finally, join the #GetBritainMeeting campaign. The Business Visits and Events Partnership has encouraged the DCMS to distinguish between ‘organised events’ and ‘mass gatherings’ as lockdown restrictions ease. To promote this idea, Mash Media has launched the #GetBritainMeeting campaign. To help amplify the message, use the #GetBritainMeeting hashtag in your social media posts.

To read Hire Space’s blog, click here.

To read Hire Space’s white paper, click here.