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NOEA CEO Susan Tanner reveals expert speakers set for Bath

Events, as much as an industry, is a people business. No great event can happen without the creativity talent, application and personality of the people around it. From the creatives and strategists at the beginning, to the production staff and the teams of volunteers come event day; events show off the best of people’s talent and generosity. 

It’s no wonder then that the world of events has so many ‘great’ personalities. Now, when I say great, I don’t just mean brilliant people; at the top of their game, producing fantastic events for millions. What we’re especially fortunate to have in this industry is people that have reached the top, but then focused their minds on the betterment of the industry as a whole. They don’t just pack their bags and sail into the sunset, they stick around and try and make positive change.

One of these people is Geoff Ellis, one of the industry’s leading personalities, and the creator of some of the biggest brands we’ve had in the world of festivals. Geoff has been at the top of his game for the best part of a quarter of a century and has witnessed pretty much everything this industry has to throw at an organiser. No stranger to controversy, he has then also been brave enough to put his head above the parapet and looked to make changes, through government, thought leadership, both in and outside of the industry, so others can maybe avoid some of the many trip wires that have tried to ensnare him and his business over the years. 

This is what I mean by great, and we couldn’t be more delighted to have Geoff speak at the NOEA convention this month, kindly giving up his time once again for the industry. He steps into big shoes this year, following a brilliant keynote from Dick Tee at last year’s convention, another truly great industry professional.

This year we’ve given Geoff the task of speaking on our theme ‘Who’s looking after who’ at events. We’ve asked him to share with us his own thoughts on the responsibilities, liabilities and boundaries that effect where the event starts and finishes for the many spectators that it welcomes. We’re sure he’ll have lots to say on the matter. 

Geoff has kindly given up his valuable time to spend it with other event professionals for what is going to be a really interesting day at our annual convention, and we hope you can all join us in Bath on the 27 November. Alongside Geoff will be some other industry leaders, each of whom has also given up their valuable time, and I can’t thank them enough for their commitment to the industry. 

Lastly, it would be remiss of me not to publicly thank Andy Grove, our now outgoing president for his hard work and dedication to NOEA over the last two years. Andy is moving on to pastures new but leaves a lasting legacy for our association.