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Nottingham City Council has turned to ticketing agency Gigantic to provide a ticketing solution for the forthcoming event season October in Nottingham.

Taking place from 30 September to 5 November the October campaign will see multiple festivals throughout the city including Magnificent Spielgeltent, Goose Fair, Robin Hood Pageant and Hockley Hustle. Last year, the event attracted more than half a million visitors.

Gigantic have been engaged to manage customer service, formulate a ticketing structure for more than 40 individual events, and create the official event website.

The ticketing company will use a scanning system – implemented successfully throughout the summer at the Dinosaurs of China exhibition – which will allow Gigantic to control access to multiple performances in the Magnificent Spiegeltent.

“Over the last 18 months we have significantly developed our relationship with the local authority and are now the exclusive online ticket agent for multiple Nottingham City Council events,” said Mark Gasson, founder at Gigantic which also provides services for Nottingham City Council events including the East Midlands Flower Show, the outdoor theatre season at Nottingham Castle, Wollaton Park and Newstead Abbey.