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From the Fields, the Manchester-based production agency behind the 25,000-capacity Kendall Calling (pictured) and bluedot (10,000) festivals, has launched SHOUT, a training initiative available initially for two young budding promoters from black, asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

From the Fields, which also organises Arts by the Sea (100,000), has launched the initiative in partnership with charity Youth Music’s new £2m incubator fund supported by the People’s Postcode Lottery.

Applications are open until 15 July for the placement that will begin in October for two 18-25-year-old promoters to join From the Fields until June 2022.

From the Fields said the initiative will provide participants with access to coaches and mentors, education and training, workspace, professional and peer networks, business development support, funding access support and help to develop a freelance career.

The role will be paid, based on a living wage of £10/hour, and will consist of twelve hours of training per week, with funded attendance at industry conferences including The Great Escape in Brighton and Focus Wales.