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The former managing director of Pulse Group, Rob Sharp, has set up LEX – a new live experience business aimed at agencies, brands and rights holders.

Sharp left Pulse Group in December after three years with the company, but has since been working on the launch of LEX. The live experience venture will work with agencies, brands and rights holders to provide expertise in strategy, creative concept generation, innovation and experience design and experience design integrating across live experiences and digital.

“LEX is a new type of live experience capabilitycreated from a need to specialise, move faster, innovate and create in the digital world,” said Sharp. “It will offer live experiences that influence and inspire the consumer world through a three-pronged approach: innovate, influence, inspire.

“There has been a shift in the industry that has significantly pushed the value of live experiences up alongside other marketing channels. We’re seeing all forms of communication converge into two channels: digital and physical. The way consumers consume digital content has changed. Forty per cent of millennials use ad blockers and curate their own feeds and channels. Trying to get through to them meaningfully is a major challenge, but that’s where the live experience industry can guarantee that direct connection and influence a huge indirect audience.”

The ex managing director has previously led and created global integrated campaigns and experiences with brands including PUMA, Red Bull, Emirates, Playstation, Heineken, Team GB, World Rugby and Diageo.

Sharp added: “Brands, rights holders and advertising agencies now want and need live experience expertise, often on a short-term project basis. We can provide multiple teams for multiple projects that can co-locate at client offices, or can use low cost office space for the length a project. We will keep overheads low and run a light core team in order to offer a cost-effective world-class capability. This model will allow us to work more efficiently, effectively, collaboratively and will enable us to innovate and adapt quickly to changing client and consumer needs.”