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Tobacco Dock kicked off its summer season last Friday (17 April), showcasing its summer party packages with caterers Food by Dish. 

Baking in the 23°C weather, 120 carefully selected corporate and agency guests sampled Food by Dish’s summer offering, including a barbeque in the venue’s courtyard.

“The summer showcase is a great opportunity to present the versatility and uniqueness of Tobacco Dock,” said the venue’s head of sales Victoria Coleman. 

“We have a number of outside and covered spaces that come alive during the summer months, especially for companies looking to combine daytime events with evening celebrations.” 

The caterers served chargrilled double Gloucester burgers on brioche rolls, corn on the cob, Merguez sausages, salt-crusted sea bass in a banana leaf, and Asian-marinated tuna steaks. 

“Summer is such a social season and our menu packages reflect the fun of alfresco eating and simplicity of wholesome fast food,” said Food by Dish’s Hannah Strong. “Tobacco Dock, with its indoor and outdoor spaces, is the ideal summer party venue, and what better way to celebrate the start of summer than with a barbeque.”

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Tobacco Dock kicked off its summer season last Friday (17 April), showcasing its summer party packages with caterers Food by Dish. 

Baking in the 23°C weather, 120 carefully selected corporate and agency guests sampled Food by Dish’s summer offering, including a barbeque in the venue’s courtyard.

“The summer showcase is a great opportunity to present the versatility and uniqueness of Tobacco Dock,” said the venue’s head of sales Victoria Coleman. 

“We have a number of outside and covered spaces that come alive during the summer months, especially for companies looking to combine daytime events with evening celebrations.” 

The caterers served chargrilled double Gloucester burgers on brioche rolls, corn on the cob, Merguez sausages, salt-crusted sea bass in a banana leaf, and Asian-marinated tuna steaks. 

“Summer is such a social season and our menu packages reflect the fun of alfresco eating and simplicity of wholesome fast food,” said Food by Dish’s Hannah Strong. “Tobacco Dock, with its indoor and outdoor spaces, is the ideal summer party venue, and what better way to celebrate the start of summer than with a barbeque.”

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