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Launched to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace (21 September), Talking Peace Festival is aimed at promoting the importance of words in resolving conflict.

The festival will feature events and pop-up activities including a South Bank photo exhibition re-visiting Rwanda 20 years on and a street art showcase about peace in Shoreditch.

Comedy, debates and cookery events will also occur.

Dan Smith, Secretary General of International Alert, says: “Peace depends on people communicating with each other. This is why dialogue is such a central feature of Alert’s peacebuilding work around the world. We bring together different sides of a conflict to discuss issues, and to identify possible solutions that will avoid violence. We hope this festival will give a sense of how words can bring people together, and show why dialogue must be the first step for building lasting peace”.

Got a story for Access All Areas? Email Tom Hall

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Launched to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace (21 September), Talking Peace Festival is aimed at promoting the importance of words in resolving conflict.

The festival will feature events and pop-up activities including a South Bank photo exhibition re-visiting Rwanda 20 years on and a street art showcase about peace in Shoreditch.

Comedy, debates and cookery events will also occur.

Dan Smith, Secretary General of International Alert, says: “Peace depends on people communicating with each other. This is why dialogue is such a central feature of Alert’s peacebuilding work around the world. We bring together different sides of a conflict to discuss issues, and to identify possible solutions that will avoid violence. We hope this festival will give a sense of how words can bring people together, and show why dialogue must be the first step for building lasting peace”.

Got a story for Access All Areas? Email Tom Hall

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