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UK artist trade body Featured Artists Coalition (FAC) has launched the 100% Venues directory, set up to address the “outdated and unfair” practice of venues charging artists a commission for selling merchandise.

The directory, supported by former Joy Division and New Order bassist Peter Hook, was created to spotlight venues that charge zero commission on merchandise sales, allowing artists to take home 100% of the revenue earned.

Venues have been encouraged to complete a one-minute sign up form to add themselves to the 100% Venues list.

FAC said the current system has been a prevalent issue in the music industry for several years and no changes have been made to date to improve the situation.

FAC CEO David Martin said, “The relationship between artists and venues represents one of the most important partnerships in the music ecosystem. These 100% Venues are leading the way, enabling artists to take home 100% of merchandise revenue. This makes selling merchandise at gigs worthwhile for artists, creating a fairer and more sustainable touring circuit, particularly for grassroots and emerging talent.”

FAC BEAT board director and chair Roxanne de Bastion added, “Unfortunately, venues taking a percentage of merchandise sales seems to penalise independent and new artists in particular. The FAC’s Kitemark for independent promoters addresses this issue and has certainly made a start in making the environment fairer for artists.”