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Legendary London club fabric, which reopened in 2017 following a dispute over two drug-related deaths, has boarded up ints entrance and installed an unusual experiential display.

Two giant white arrows have been painted on a huge black board, pointing to two eyeholes in the centre. Upon looking through, a message can be read which says: “the next chapter starts here. Love, fabric xx”

The xx perhaps points towards fabric’s 20th anniversary, which is set to take place in 2019. The club could be undergoing a redesign ahead of the occasion, or teasing towards a big birthday celebration.

The display was put in place after fabric deleted everything from its Facebook and Instagram page, sparking speculation that the club might be closing once again. However, it now appears the purge may have been a tactic to bring attention to a big 20th anniversary announcement.

The picture above is courtesy of Resident Advisor, whose original Instagram post is embedded below:


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Well it looks like fabric isn’t shutting down after all… ?

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