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The EPC, formerly the Emergency Planning College, has announced its UK Good Practice Guide to Working in Safety Advisory Groups. 

The guidance focuses on quality assurance of event safety plans and provides essential, sound advice to organisers. 

“The Guide offers vital guidance and insight to ensure events are thoroughly great and safe for the public to enjoy,” said the EPC’s director of event and public safety Bev Griffiths. 

The new Guide, published on 26 January, seeks to advise organisers of a variety of public events, from street parties to festivals. 

The EPC, managed by Serco, spoke with its partners in the entertainment and events industry, as well as in government, to make sure that the guidance ticked all the boxes. 

“The fact that the EPC worked with [these] partners…reflects its commitment to be at the heart of the public safety and resilience community, encouraging debate and reflection where it is needed, and leading the way for practitioners and policy makers in establishing and promoting good practice,” said Dr Campbell McCafferty, director, Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office.

The Guide is supported by The Health & Safety Executive, The College of Policing, The Local Authorities’ Events Organisers Group and The Association of Festival Organisers (AFO).

“We are delighted that Emergency Planning College consulted widely with the industry to produce this guidance, which we believe will be of benefit not only to the users, but also to the wider events industry,” said the AFO’s general secretary Steve Heap.

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The EPC, formerly the Emergency Planning College, has announced its UK Good Practice Guide to Working in Safety Advisory Groups. 

The guidance focuses on quality assurance of event safety plans and provides essential, sound advice to organisers. 

“The Guide offers vital guidance and insight to ensure events are thoroughly great and safe for the public to enjoy,” said the EPC’s director of event and public safety Bev Griffiths. 

The new Guide, published on 26 January, seeks to advise organisers of a variety of public events, from street parties to festivals. 

The EPC, managed by Serco, spoke with its partners in the entertainment and events industry, as well as in government, to make sure that the guidance ticked all the boxes. 

“The fact that the EPC worked with [these] partners…reflects its commitment to be at the heart of the public safety and resilience community, encouraging debate and reflection where it is needed, and leading the way for practitioners and policy makers in establishing and promoting good practice,” said Dr Campbell McCafferty, director, Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office.

The Guide is supported by The Health & Safety Executive, The College of Policing, The Local Authorities’ Events Organisers Group and The Association of Festival Organisers (AFO).

“We are delighted that Emergency Planning College consulted widely with the industry to produce this guidance, which we believe will be of benefit not only to the users, but also to the wider events industry,” said the AFO’s general secretary Steve Heap.

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