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Cricket made its return on Wednesday 8 July, in what is being billed as the world’s first ‘bio-secure’ test match between England and West Indies.

Restrata, a UK company which provides tech for security and safety management, has been hired by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to ensure the three-match series complies with guidelines for Covid-19.

The company is using its Bluetooth technology to manage the 450 people who will be present in Southamptons’s Ageas Bowl and Emirates Old Trafford. These include players, coaches, media, stadium staff, but not spectators – the matches are being played behind closed doors.

Track and trace technology is keeping tabs on the number of people working in specific zones, to ensure compliance with social distancing. Restrata also says its technology will provide the ECB with an accurate, real-time capability to track and trace any suspected outbreaks of Covid-19 in the venues.

The three-match test series between Ensgland and West Indies is being played under the name #raisethebat. Players are wearing the names of key workers on their shirts, which have been nominated by local cricket clubs. They include teachers, doctors, nurses, carers and social workers.

The series began on Wednesday 8 July, with West Indies taking a 1-0 lead at the Ageas Bowl in Southampton. It will finish with matches 2 and 3 at Manchester’s Emirates Old Trafford, over the course of July.

Botan Osman, CEO of Restrata, said: “I am delighted that we have been given the opportunity to help the ECB deliver this test series. We have worked closely with the ECB’s IT and operations team over the past weeks to integrate our platform into their management systems in record time.

“The capability we provide is unique and meets the specific requirements of the Covid-19 environment and the government’s regulations on social distancing and track and trace. In establishing this system, the ECB is demonstrating that technology can be employed to get sport, and major events back up and running despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.”