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The East of England Arena and Events Centre in Peterborough has joined forces with Monsoon, the Asian event management specialist, to market, manage and deliver all Asian events at the venue.

The link up will see a coordination of new Asian-style events with the venue’s core business of exhibitions, festivals and conferences.

Monsoon joins existing partner Amadeus in delivering services to the East of England Arena and Monsoon’s MD Pav Shergill, explained: “We’ve worked with Amadeus and NEC Group for four years, providing our events management experience, cultural insight and supplier knowledge to make alternative venues accessible to South Asian Events.”

Shergill continued: “We identify and research demand for Asian events and work with venues to plan, risk assess and audit liability, and then take responsibility for coordinating and vetting all the suppliers, security provision and other services as required.

“East of England Arena and Events Centre is well placed demographically, and has the facilities required to deliver a large event like an Asian wedding with 500 guests. The venue spaces themselves are versatile and neutral. With a predominantly regional customer base, the Arena’s ease of road access and plentiful free parking is an important advantage, too.”

Dean Rees, EEAEC’s business development manager, explained the venue’s decision to take advantage of Monsoon’s skills and expertise. “We became aware of Monsoon’s success with Asian events through our agreement with Amadeus, and it’s clear from Monsoon’s detailed analysis that there is a great potential in hosting Asian events at our venue. Monsoon has offered us the opportunity to flow new events around our core event calendar, and develop our Asian market offering overall,” said Rees.