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The Production Services Association (PSA) has opened the first application window for its Stagehand Covid 19 Crew Relief Fund.

Stagehand, a charity set up by the PSA, has raised funds to offer grants to out-of-work technicians and production staff.

Applications for grants of up to £500 are now invited. The PSA said, “This round is aimed at those needing help to keep a roof over their head or food on the table.”

Applications are open until 27 October, with PSA aiming to contact applicants by mid-November.

It said, “We intend to continue fundraising to enable further rounds, once all successful claims in round 1 have been settled.”

The grants are the result of funding from organisations including PPL, BPI, Sony Music, Harvey Goldsmith, ATC Management, Alacran Group, Everybody’s Management, Quietus Management, Neg Earth, Britannia Row Productions and Britannia Row Productions Training.

The registered charity was originally set up as a benevolent fund for PSA members 20 years ago. It is now opening up its relief grants to non-PSA members, with the goal of helping as many out of work professionals as possible.

To apply click here.