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By Simeon Aldred, group creative director, Vibration Group

I’m asked about Brexit almost daily. How will it affect the the pound’s value and will its pressures impact international brands? To be honest, I haven’t got a clue. Yet one thing I do know- we’re in the entertainment and leisure game! Our businesses create venues, experiences, and activities flexible enough to win long-term. Planning 1-3 years ahead and blowing in the wind with the latest pop-up trend is never going to work.

Instead, we believe in connecting audiences through the most basic human constants. Date night is never going away. Families spending affordable time together; the cultural and creative aspirations that run through us all; these will stand the test of time, no matter what our bank balance.

Be original and back yourself. Yet always think back to those basic human desires, and constants. If the interaction and transaction you or your client creates feeds into these, you’ll weather almost any economic wind.

Our ‘human-first’ instinct has allowed our company to flourish and we’re about to announce two large London venues with over 10,000-capacity across both. We believe in the UK events industry. The many operators, creatives and agencies creating cultural experiences will win-big long-term.