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The BVEP’s Events Industry Referendum Impact Survey has found that ‘safeguarding trade’ is a top priority for event profs in the wake of the Brexit vote. 

Nearly two thirds (62 per cent) of respondents to the survey, who were made up of 72 businesses including venues, suppliers and contractors, identified their number on priority as safeguarding trade, by reducing uncertainty and engaging in new markets.

The second highest priority was reviewing legislation, and the third was investing the UK’s infrastructure to ensure it can continue to hold a competitive position as a global destination.

Respondents also drew attention to the need to manage the impact of potential changes in foreign worker status in the UK.

The UK’s reputation internationally was another point of interest. There was concern that the country might be seen as protectionist and unfriendly, which could damage its reputation for being a model international leader.

BVEP vice-chair and report author Simon Hughes commented:“Having identified the wide range of touch points that could affect our industry, the next stage is to identify a specific ‘Brexit Manifesto’ to make sure events are taken into account in any positioning of UK plc.

“Over the next two years or so, we have a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the links between events and international trade. This is a chance for all event professionals to be seen and heard, while the government’s agenda is firmly focused on protecting and enhancing our global reputation for business.”

The full report can be found on the BVEP website.