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The event industry in Brighton & Hove has launched The Brighton Event Producers Independent Committee (EPIC).

The committee was created to ‘share knowledge and information during the lockdown’ and to ‘develop ways for the events industry to help each other and the wider community through this time, ensuring a future for the businesses and guaranteeing high quality, iconic events continue to thrive in the city’.

There are a large number of event professionals within Brighton & Hove, including event organisers, event promoters, contractors and suppliers. They are responsible for a number of events, including Brighton & Hove Pride, The Great Escape Festival, Brighton Festival, Kemptown Carnival, Children’s Parade and Paddle Round the Pier. These events generate tens of millions of pounds worth of revenue for the city not only directly but also through the hospitality and transport industries, as well as producing jobs for hundreds to thousands of local people.

Social distancing measure put in place to help stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in a huge financial loss for those in the event industry due to event cancellations and the closure of venues. In total, the losses of contracts are in the hundreds, and the losses to industry business is in the millions.

So, the event industry formed EPIC in order to support all those effected. All those in the event industry in the area can register their business for free on the EPIC website, where information is being collated about the economic impact the crisis is having on the event industry for the Brighton & Hove Council.

To register your interest for EPIC go here and to complete the economic impact survey contact Ian Baird at