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De Boer, NEC Group, Mojo Barriers, Neptunus, AA Event Traffic Solutions and Star Events Group are among a 150-strong exhibitor list for for Event Production Show 2013, owner Mash Media has confirmed. 

“I’ve always enjoyed the Event Production Show. It’s the first of the year and perfectly timed after the Christmas break to catch up with everyone before we all get too busy. With new owner Mash Media adding to the model, we were keen to continue to offer our support,” Jane Russen, group sales director at Star Events Group, said.

“The Event Production Awards dinner proved to be an overnight success last year and I hope that goes from strength to strength as well,” she added. “All round, it’s a great way to start the year.”

Visitors will be able to enjoy a stellar lineup at The Access Sessions, innovations in the Technology Tent, workshops, a number of other seminars with industry trade associations, and much more.

Event Production Show is at Olympia on February 5 and 6.


De Boer, NEC Group, Mojo Barriers, Neptunus, AA Event Traffic Solutions and Star Events Group are among a 150-strong exhibitor list for for Event Production Show 2013, owner Mash Media has confirmed. 

“I’ve always enjoyed the Event Production Show. It’s the first of the year and perfectly timed after the Christmas break to catch up with everyone before we all get too busy. With new owner Mash Media adding to the model, we were keen to continue to offer our support,” Jane Russen, group sales director at Star Events Group, said.

“The Event Production Awards dinner proved to be an overnight success last year and I hope that goes from strength to strength as well,” she added. “All round, it’s a great way to start the year.”

Visitors will be able to enjoy a stellar lineup at The Access Sessions, innovations in the Technology Tent, workshops, a number of other seminars with industry trade associations, and much more.

Event Production Show is at Olympia on February 5 and 6.