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Accessibility charity Attitude is Everything has published a 10-point Accessible Reopening Checklist in a bid to ensure deaf, disabled and neurodivergent fans are made welcome when full-capacity events resume.

The move is part of a wider initiative from cross-sector group the Audience Access Alliance, a coalition of 13 disability and accessibility organisations and networks. The initiative has been designed to apply to any kind of venue or event from football matches and outdoor festivals to music venues.

The initiative has gained widespread support, with industry bodies including UK Music, LIVE, Music Venue Trust, Featured Artist Coaslition and Music Managers Forum among those backing it.

Among the items on the checklist are that no one is advised against visiting an event or venue, and Covid safety measures are accessible for everyone.

“It’s free and easy to use, so there’s no reason for promoters, venue managers and event organisers not to embrace and implement this checklist,” said Attitude is Everything founder Suzanne Bull. “Deaf and disabled people are artists, employees, volunteers and fans, and they’re looking forward to returning to an inclusive world of sports, arts and culture. You’d better get ready.”

Manchester International Festival head of music Jane Beese said, “When live music returns, it’s imperative that all audiences are able to head back into venues as quickly and safely as possible. This checklist is a great reminder of the needs of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people.”

The Checklist

Any venue or event reopening to the public should be able to say “yes” to these things:

  1. We agree that every person has the right to assess their own level of risk.
  2. People can find facts on our website about accessibility and Covid safety to make informed decisions.
  3. If we have tickets on sale, Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people can arrange the access they need.
  4. No one is advised against visiting our event or venue.
  5. No one will be challenged about their ‘risk status’ at our entrance due to a perceived ‘vulnerability’.
  6. Attendees are not expected to bring a doctor’s note if unable to wear a mask.
  7. Our COVID safety measures are accessible for everyone.
  8. Our street furniture does not obstruct accessible parking or access routes for attendees or pedestrians.
  9. Our staff have been trained in disability awareness and understand our access provision and Covid-safety measures.
  10. We are committed to listening to Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people and engaging with any new audiences gained online during lockdown.

The checklist follows recently published guidance from Attitude is Everything on venue reopening and accessible employment.

Additional reopening and good practice resources from Audience Access Alliance members can be found here.