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The prime minister has announced that all Plan B Covid restrictions will be lifted next week.

Boris Johnson has made a statement to Parliament announcing that Covid-passes for large events, face coverings and work from home guidance will be lifted from Thursday, 27 January.

He said, “Today’s ONS data shows clearly infections are falling, our scientists believe the Omicron wave has peaked nationally. Hospital admissions have now stabilised, admissions in London are falling.

“This morning, the cabinet concluded we can return to Plan A in England and allow Plan B to expire. As a result, from Thursday next week mandatory certification will end. From now on the Government will no longer be asking people to work from home.

“Once regulations lapse, the Government will no longer mandate the wearing of facemasks anywhere. From tomorrow, we will no longer require facemasks in classrooms. We will continue to suggest they are used indoors or in crowded places but trust the judgement of the public.”

Johnson added that it would still be a requirement to isolate if testing positive for Covid-19.

The Plan B restrictions were introduced on 13 December to slow the spread of the Omicron variant.

Plan B measures made the NHS Covid pass mandatory for entry into nightclubs and venues, including unseated indoor venues with more than 500 people, and seated outdoor venues with more than 4,000 people and any venue with more than 10,000 people.

The rules also made face coverings compulsory in most indoor public spaces, including theatres, cinemas, public transport and shops.

Among those to welcome the move was Night Time Industries Association CEO Michael Kill, who said: “Following an extremely difficult two years for the night time economy and hospitality sector, which has been, in every sense, at the sharpest end of the pandemic throughout, we are finally able to plan for the future with some level of certainty and without debilitating restrictions.”