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The Government has said that from 12 May 2022 the domestic NHS Covid Pass will no longer be available and new medical exemption applications will not be accepted.

The development means that venue and events operators will no longer be able to request it as a condition of entry.

From 12 May the medical exemptions service will no longer accept applications from people wanting to use the domestic NHS Covid Pass to prove they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

All “Plan B” Covid restrictions were lifted on 27 January, bringing to an end requirements for Covid-passes for large events. Plan B measures made the NHS Covid pass mandatory for entry into nightclubs and venues, including unseated indoor venues with more than 500 people, and seated outdoor venues with more than 4,000 people and any venue with more than 10,000 people.

The NHS Covid Pass for international travel will continue to be available.

Government advice is available here.