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Liverpool Philharmonic Hall is in the midst of a £13.8m refurbishment, which aims to bring the historical hall up to contemporary standards. 

Adlib won the contract do design and supply a new audio system that would enable the venue to hold concerts and events – including classical, opera, folk, rock, pop and roots, comedy, speeches, conferences, and private events – throughout the year. 

Adlib chose Coda Audio’s VIRAY installations for the job.

“Flexibility and multi-functionality were crucial requirements,” said Adlib’s Roger Kirby. “Coda’s VIRAY is coherent, it has a high output and looks elegant.” 

The installation includes 14 flown Coda ViRAYs, three Coda SC2-F base extension units, three Coda SCP sensor-controlled subs, four Coda TiRAY front-fills, eight Coda G308s and a Coda LINUS platform for power and control. 

“The installation was completed within a tight window of opportunity and we have already experienced many advantages of the main system,” said Liverpool Philharmonic’s technical manager Richard Curtis.

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Liverpool Philharmonic Hall is in the midst of a £13.8m refurbishment, which aims to bring the historical hall up to contemporary standards. 

Adlib won the contract do design and supply a new audio system that would enable the venue to hold concerts and events – including classical, opera, folk, rock, pop and roots, comedy, speeches, conferences, and private events – throughout the year. 

Adlib chose Coda Audio’s VIRAY installations for the job.

“Flexibility and multi-functionality were crucial requirements,” said Adlib’s Roger Kirby. “Coda’s VIRAY is coherent, it has a high output and looks elegant.” 

The installation includes 14 flown Coda ViRAYs, three Coda SC2-F base extension units, three Coda SCP sensor-controlled subs, four Coda TiRAY front-fills, eight Coda G308s and a Coda LINUS platform for power and control. 

“The installation was completed within a tight window of opportunity and we have already experienced many advantages of the main system,” said Liverpool Philharmonic’s technical manager Richard Curtis.

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