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More than 30 Scottish National Party MSPs have signed Holyrood motions critical of Olympic Worldwide partner Atos at the dawn of a campaign aimed at persuading Glasgow 2014 to drop the company as a sponsor.


Disability activists are angry that the multi-national IT specialist carries out “fit for work” assessments on behalf of the British government as part of a multi-million pound contract with the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP). 


“Atos should be dropped completely as a sponsor,” Sean Clerkin of Citizens United said. “They’re just profiteering on the misery of disabled people.”


However, just as International Paralympic Committee president Sir Philip Craven and London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe defended Atos’ involvement in the Paralympics, Glasgow 2014 appears unlikely to back down over the partnership. 


“As a worldwide IT partner for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Atos has demonstrated unwavering commitment to driving forward the Paralympic movement by providing dedicated practical support to athletes for the last 10 years,” a spokesman told The Sunday Herald. “We’re very proud to have [the company] as part of our family.”


PICTURE CAPTION: Former Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon and BBC athletics commentator Steve Cram helped launch the Atos sponsorship of Glasgow 2014 in March



More than 30 Scottish National Party MSPs have signed Holyrood motions critical of Olympic Worldwide partner Atos at the dawn of a campaign aimed at persuading Glasgow 2014 to drop the company as a sponsor.


Disability activists are angry that the multi-national IT specialist carries out “fit for work” assessments on behalf of the British government as part of a multi-million pound contract with the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP). 


“Atos should be dropped completely as a sponsor,” Sean Clerkin of Citizens United said. “They’re just profiteering on the misery of disabled people.”


However, just as International Paralympic Committee president Sir Philip Craven and London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe defended Atos’ involvement in the Paralympics, Glasgow 2014 appears unlikely to back down over the partnership. 


“As a worldwide IT partner for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Atos has demonstrated unwavering commitment to driving forward the Paralympic movement by providing dedicated practical support to athletes for the last 10 years,” a spokesman told The Sunday Herald. “We’re very proud to have [the company] as part of our family.”


PICTURE CAPTION: Former Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon and BBC athletics commentator Steve Cram helped launch the Atos sponsorship of Glasgow 2014 in March