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More than 2.5 million people are expected to have attended the 10th Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, which closed on 2 January.

The annual event, which ran for six weeks this holiday season, hosted a wide array of new attractions and entertainment to celebrate its landmark anniversary.

These included The Nutcracker On Ice by The Imperial Ice Stars, The Sooty Christmas Show, the world’s largest transportable roller coaster The Munich Looping and the very first Family Fun Day on 2 January.

Celebrities including David Beckham, Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell all enjoyed the festivities over the event’s run.

“Hyde Park Winter Wonderland this year celebrated its 10th anniversary and we wanted to make the event better than ever before,” said Stephen Flint Wood, director of PWR Events, who produce the event.

“The responses we’ve had from both new and loyal visitors alike has been incredible and proved that the event is an unmissable Christmas event in the heart of London. We look forward to creating an even more successful event next year.”