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Less than half (45%) of live event organisers are currently measuring their total carbon footprint, according to Vision: 2025‘s latest Industry Green Survey.

The eighth annual survey saw 119 festivals and events with a combined audience of more than 2.1 million take part. The survey aims to give insight into trends and practices, challenges faced, and what event organisers are prioritising for the coming season.

Other key findings in the survey include that local authority expectations are changing. It found that 17% of events are reporting that their local authority required information about sustainability in 2022, and a further 24% said it has been indicated that this will be required.

The survey also found that priority areas for event organisers have changed since 2021, with waste falling off the top three, to be replaced by a focus on overall carbon footprinting – despite less than half currently measuring it.

The use of grid connections is on the rise according to the results, with almost a quarter of events reporting that they are now using grid as part of their energy mix. A third have tried using battery units, up from 25% in 2021.

In 2022 less than half of the survey’s respondents said they received a detailed energy report post-event or felt engaged enough with their provider to put in place a strategy to reduce fuel and increase efficiency.

A full analysis of the survey can be found here.