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Greater Manchester’s Night Time Economy Adviser Sacha Lord has announced the UK launch of United We Stream.

United We Stream is a project which launched in Berlin. It is an online hub collecting livestreams from nightclubs around the German capital, with viewers being able to contribute funds to support their favourite venues during the Covid-19 crisis.

Lord, who is also founder of Manchester’s Parklife festival (which announced its 2020 cancellation last week) is bringing the initiative to Greater Manchester.

The service will launch properly during the first week of April, showcasing live DJ sets, musicians, singers, comedians, poets, actors and more from 7pm every night.

United We Stream Berlin was set up by Club Commission Berlin and Reclaim Club Culture. Its website says that: “All income from the streams goes to a rescue fund, with which distressed clubs can be supported and from which 8% go to the Foundation Fund for Civilian Sea Rescue.”