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Manchester club night series The Warehouse Project (WHP) has launched a not-for-profit community project in partnership with local creative music charity Brighter Sound and online music community platform Resident Advisor.

Taking place this Autumn during the WHP event series at Depot Mayfield, Take The Reins is a four-week programme which aims to help underrepresented people from Greater Manchester who are interested in a career in the music industry.

The programme has been created with the aim of equipping participants with knowledge about the roles involved in putting together electronic music events, and it will offer vocational training for positions including artist liaison, visual operator/artist, lighting operator and sound engineer.

The programme is open to everyone, but organisers said priority will be given to those from underrepresented groups, prioritising women and people of marginalised genders, POC, LGTBQi + and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Participants will be paid £50 per half-day for their time during the programme with travel expenses covered. Year one of Take The Reins will act as a pilot with the aim of growing the project in future years.

WHP director of operations Kim O’Brien said, “We are looking forward to creating a platform for real growth that will hopefully inspire other companies to do the same.”

Resident Advisor head of community Amy Van-Baaren said, “For too long our industry has been too much of a closed shop and lacked obvious paths to success. With Take The Reins, alongside our non-profit opportunities platform Doors Open, RA hopes to change that. We are delighted to work alongside WHP and Brighter Sound for this pilot edition and look forward to supporting its growth and success.”

Manchester Music City sector lead and Brighter Sound director Debra King said, “Building on 23 years of working towards a more equitable music industry we’re delighted to be working with Warehouse Project and Resident Advisor to provide meaningful training and work opportunities for aspiring professionals in Greater Manchester.”

Liverpool Sound City Festival live events coordinator Jenny Coyle, who completed a placement with Brighter Sound in August 2021, said, “One of the reasons I applied was due to the specific nature of Brighter Sound being keen to hear from people from underrepresented groups. This really made me feel that there was room for me in the music industry and it gave me the confidence and encouragement to apply for the job.

“I’ve grown in self-belief and confidence, and feel secure and passionate about my role/job. As a woman, and as a neurodivergent person, I feel really proud to be working in the music industry.”