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The international music industry conference Sound City+ has announced a string of high-profile guests, talks and panels to join the programme for the 10th anniversary.

Revolution is the theme for this years event; fittingly, ‘The Revolution will be Televised’ panel brings together Danny Fields (Ramones/Iggy and the Stooges), Nathan McGough (White Lies/Happy Mondays), Seymour Stein (Sire Records) and Sarah Brooksbank (Fat White Family/Bat for Lashes) to discuss environmental and economic factors happening at the time of some of the world’s most influential acts.

The ‘In Conversation’ line-up includes acclaimed DJ Greg Wilson and author of Life and Death on the New York Dancefloor: 1980-1983 Tim Lawrence, who will discuss the revolution of dance music and the impact it’s had on today’s electronic music.

Other panels include ‘Not the Usual Suspects’ with Chris Tams and Ayesha Hazarika and ‘Disrupt or Die: A conversation on artist marketing’ with Tams, Mazarika and Mike King. Meanwhile, MP Nigel Adams and Adam Webb (FanFair Alliance) will be talking to managers and artists on the topic of touting and future of secondary ticketing.

Women in Music is bringing ‘It’s not all about the girls this year’ to Sound City+. Discussing social issues within the music industry, the debate will cover topics about young men in the industry, issues facing the LGBT+ community and the challenges facing ethnic minorities.

“With International Women’s Day calling their 2017 campaign ‘Be Bold For Change’, I thought it would be appropriate to take up the baton and talk about gender and inclusivity in the music business too,” said Miz DeShannon of Women In Music.

“Women In Music discussions have been on rotation for some time now, and it’s time to take those discussions and look at broader ideas on equality in the business, around gender, ageism, genre-specific differences, expectations and identity amongst other things. Looking at the panel I’ve got lined up, it should make for some really interesting debating!”