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Let’s face it, festival and outdoor event organisers work very much like architects. Pick a plot of land, build a small village or town, shepherd in a few thousand or more people, lay on a splendid array of entertainment, send everyone home and break down. Safely.

With a plethora of regulations, from CDM to LOLER and all manner of guidance, there are still lingering doubts and questions, especially when it comes to responsibilities and duties.

Good news: Gavin Bull, HM inspector of Health and Safety, is taking part in a Q&A session to be held on Thursday 28 September, at Festival and Outdoor Events Show (27-28 September, Sandown Park).

Light on presentation, heavy on Q and A, this session is set to clarify and enlighten visitors in all aspects of health and safety related to live events sector.

Bull has spent the past few years within the sector, overseeing the introduction of CDM into the construction activities. Beyond his duties as inspector, he has provided insight and encouragement that has led to better dialogue and guidance for clients and contractors.

The Safety Review – 2017, how was it for you? is part of a content-packed programme to be held at The Main Stage sponsored by The Ticket Factory. Reserve your place and register now.

Editor’s note: Contact Access’ editorial team if you would like to send your questions in advance or leave it in the comment section below.