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The Festival & Outdoor Events Show recently concluded its second edition on Thursday 27 September, having provided two days of industry innovation, networking, and thought-provoking seminars.

Exhibitors and professionals filled Sandown Park in Esher, forging important business connections as they roamed the stands in the glorious September sunshine. In attendance were a wide variety of companies, from production and suppliers to catering and ticketing.

There were also a number of more left-field picks, whether it was the enormous T-rex circling the grounds courtesy of Rent a Dinosaur, or the vibrant displays on offer from Mahogany Carnival Design. One such display, featuring 15-foot tall painted peacock feathers, was a striking set piece as attendees entered the building.

Key topics of discussion in the seminars included technology and health & safety, represented by the TechFest and SaFest stages respectively.

The Access Next Generation awards took place at the end of the first day, recognising young, talented individuals in the industry under the age of 30. Access editor Tom Hall presented the ceremony and listed off the winners, who will be posted online soon.

For all those involved, Festout’s second edition was a great opportunity to meet and learn from the brightest minds in the festival and outdoor events industry.