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Positive Impact today released the results of 2019 #CSRshareday, in a summary report.

Positive Impact says the campaign achieved 4,834,871 timeline deliveries, building on last year’s reach of 2 million.

#CSRshareday is an annual social media campaign set up to help spread knowledge and awareness of environmental and social issues the industry is facing.

This year’s theme was ‘measurement’, asking people to visualise change in practical, applicable ways.

The campaign’s goals were to share best practice, ideas and experiences on the topic of sustainability and CSR. It also aimed to tell the stories of the power events can have in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Helena Rey de Assis, head of consumption and production, UN Environment, said: “This is an opportunity for companies to pledge their commitment and minimise the impact of the event industry in the world’s plastic consumption and use.”

You can view the report at this link.