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The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA) and GL events have released the industry’s first-ever white paper concerned with the future of outdoor events.

The Future’s Forum white paper was created after a meeting with high-profile members from the industry predicting trends that shape its future. The report touches on topics such as secondary ticketing and event technology, aiming to delve more into this at a later date.

“There is an amazing thirst for this sort of discussion and the resulting findings, and we’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of engagement we’re getting from the industry at such an early stage,” said Rachel Baker, UK group marketing manager at GL events.

“We see our role in the industry as supporting the associations that are concerned with its development; how we prepare for the future and how we dictate it for ourselves,” Baker added.

The report marks the beginning of an industry-wide discussion, with NOEA’s planning to share market information and research.

Andy Grove, interim president, NOEA said: “The Futures Forum and the new White Paper are all intended to begin a discussion within outdoor events that allows us to get as much information and opinion as possible, and then share it with the rest of the industry. These are important topics that the industry needs to discuss; we’re grateful to GL events for allowing us the resource to have them.”