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This is your last week to enter the 2019 Event Production Awards, which are taking place 14 March at Novotel London West.

The deadline for entries is Friday 18 January, so make sure you don’t forget to visit the website and nominate any colleagues who deserve to be recognised.

Ahead of the looming deadline, new judges have been announced for the awards. These include Dina Green (pictured left), CEO of FreemanXP and Louise Young (pictured right), event manager at Strawberries & Creem.

The Event Production Awards will celebrate achievement and excellence in outdoor and live events. They recognise the hard work put in by suppliers, agencies, venues and organiser teams in 2018.

Access All Areas editor Tom Hall has played a key role in recruiting these judges. He commented: “For the last seven years we have not failed but be impressed with the quality of work and events entered in the EPAs.

“This is reflected each year in the line-up of judges – they are at the coalface every day, supplying to, curating or running the events. They know first-hand what it takes to deliver an outstanding event, and that makes them tough but fair judges.”

The list of judges can be seen below:

  • Dina Green, CEO, FreemanXP
  • Louise Young, event manager, Strawberries & Creem
  • Mark Bannister from GPJ
  • Andy Lenthall from PSA
  • Nick Morgan from We are the Fair
  • Dennis Mills from Major Events International
  • Dick Tee from EnTEEtainment
  • John Cochrane from Losberger De Boer
  • Debs Armstrong from Strong & Co
  • April Trasler from Neptunus
  • Claire O’Neill from A Greener Festival
  • Craig Mathie from Bournemouth 7s
  • Dave Withey from Arena Group
  • Gill Tee from Black Deer Festival
  • Kim Myhre from MCI
  • Chris Norman, managing director, Visions

The awards are sponsored by Ace Crew, Visions and EEP.