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Iconic London nightclub Fabric will close permanently, after a decision from Islington council today (7 September) to revoke its licence.

Fabric closed temporarily earlier this year following the drug-related deaths of two teenagers this summer. There have been six deaths in relation to the club over the past four years.

In its report, Islington council said that “the extent of the drug use [at Fabric] was such that security and staff would have or should have been able to observe not only the use of drugs but also the effect of drug use on a large number of patrons.”

The Metropolitan police had recommended the revocation of the club’s licence, with Scotland Yard confirming the decision early this morning.

A spokesperson for the Met said: “We support this decision made by Islington council’s licencing committee. London has a world-renowned night time economy and people should be able to enjoy it safely, without concerns of serious crime. The Met is committed to working in partnership with those responsible for this sector to ensure that this happens.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan had backed Fabric’s campaign to stay open, as had the MP for Islington, Emily Thornberry. A petition to stop the club’s closure had also reached almost 150,000 signatures.

Reactions from London’s night time industry, as well as DJs and clubgoers, have been pouring in since the council’s decision. Alan Miller of the Night Time Industries Association told the Evening Standard: “This is not the end of the story. This is just the beginning. We are going to call on people to contribute funds in a grassroots national movement to lobby their MP and councilors to say enough is enough.

“If it wasn’t for places like Fabric, we would have none of our cultural assets – where we get inspired, where we fall in love.”

#Eventprofs, how do you feel about Fabric’s closure? Let us know on Twitter @Access_AA.