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London Marathon Events (LME) and Run 4 Wales (R4W) have announced a partnership that will bring together the leading mass participation events organisations in England and Wales.

The new partnership, where London Marathon Events takes a 50% shareholding in Run 4 Wales, will enable the Welsh organisation to expand its portfolio of events.

It said the partnership will enable it to increase its impact, particularly in inspiring more children to become active and broadening further the diversity of participation in its events.

R4W, which was set up in 2012, passes its profits to its parent charity, the Run 4 Wales Charitable Foundation, to invest in grassroots athletics and community running projects.

All profits from London Marathon Events are passed to its parent charity, The London Marathon Charitable Trust, to invest in grassroots sports and community projects.

R4W CEO Matt Newman said, “This exciting new partnership between Run 4 Wales and London Marathon Events is a huge opportunity for the growth of our events and our social impact in Wales. It offers R4W the chance to leverage the scale of London Marathon Events’ resources, database, experience and social impact for the benefit of Wales, securing our future in this challenging recovery phase for the sports events sector.”

LME CEO Nick Bitel said, “Our organisations and parent charities share a common vision and ambition to inspire activity in all ages and demographics and a passionate belief in the power of sport as a force for social good. In particular, we look forward to working with R4W, and its partner organisations in Wales, to inspire and champion physical activity in primary and special schools across Wales. Together, we can make a profound difference to this generation.”